Moleskine: CityGuide is Web2.0 for paper?
I want one NOW! I’ve tried to create this sort of thing many times, using either Moleskins, pocket-sized filofaxes… This looks like a neat implementation: part journal of record, part updateable working book. Either way these will become prized travelogues and journals in the hands of commited, capable writers. I’ll just buy them because I love the idea of being such a writer 😉
Interesting though how this is a DIY guidebook. To fully make this ‘web2.0 on paper’ you should be able to upload your tips/experiences, tag them and of course ‘subscribe’ to a feed from other travellers. It’d be neat if Moleskin offered a printer ‘plug in’ or a print on demand ability so that you could obtain and carry with you the condensed experience of rated contributors… Oops – I just realised that I’ve described “BookTailor”, a neat Bertellsman-funded POD travel book company that sadly folded in 2001. Surely the time is right for that idea to be re-appraised?