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Appetising: Squat and Gobble


How lovely. Walking in the West End last night I come across this delightfully-named eatery: Squat and Gobble. The crapcam was to hand to record the scene in Charlotte Street.

If I said ‘squat and gobble’ I don’t think that baked potatoes would be the first picture conjured…

Sun editor held in Kemp assault

BBC NEWS | Entertainment | Sun editor held in Kemp ‘assault’

Well well. No facts. A possible family upset, and certainly no topic to be splashed across the pages of tabloids in a callous manner, solely to increase ratings…

Hm. Wonder if that’ll be how the Sun’s tabloid chums will see this?

Wonder if the Sun’s “no comment” will be respected, or can we expect a gleeful feeding frenzy like that which ‘did for’ Blunkett?

Stand by for a bout of double standards on the part of the Sun…

I’ll just reach for my “surprised” face, with the ShockHorror haircut.

How to park a tall unicycle

Never really thought how you’d park a really tall unicycle before. Now that I’ve seen this great use of a “no entry” sign I need never wonder again.

“iPorn”: pornographers embrace new iPod’s opportunity

Macworld UK – Apple iPod delivers “iPorno” revolution

The adult industry is huge. It’s no secret that it was adult-oriented sites that helped drive demand and technological advance for the Internet itself. The industry is also not scared to experiment.

Playboy’s decision in December last year to release an image gallery of some its models for the iPod photo proves this.

The move by adult sites to embrace Apple’s mass market product is one Apple’s competitors can only envy. Provision of such content may well drive iPod demand even higher.

For speleologists just emerging, the iPod in question is the new video iPod (vPod?)

In order for a pr0n business model to succeed you need to be able to download the material readily and thereafter store/access easily or better still transfer to like-minded souls. I can see than an iPod would solve the personal ‘library’ aspect (although I don’t foresee iTunes offering x-rated material on your .Mac account for a while yet!) but there’s a problem around sharing or exchanging since the iPod’s a ‘read only device’ in conception. Still, where there’s a willy there’s a way.

Still, let not new shiny technology detract from the “ancient art” of ascii porn… ah, those simple, low-bandwidth, high-imagination days of yore!


Boiling water from your tap…


“Quooker” – heh, great name.

So – I turn on the tap and boiling water streams out. Wonderful! Imagine, no more boiling the kettle so you can give the ‘tatoes a head start on that interminable 14 minute boil…

I wonder if you can incorporate a water filter so as not to get the heady aroma of London Piping and heavy metals as a background to the tea?

Either way, reminded me of my college room which was too near the boiler: the taps had two settings: boiling or explosive vapour. Taught me to wash my hands quickly and to stand at arm’s length when you turn on a tap. Ah, life skills!

Brazilian Bush

From Mr Worley:

Donald Rumsfeld is giving the President his daily briefing. He concludes
by saying: “Yesterday, 3 Brazilian soldiers were killed in an accident’

“OH NO!” the President exclaims. “That’s terrible!”

His staff sits stunned at this display of emotion, nervously watching as
the president sits, head in hands. Finally, the President looks up and

”How many is a Brazillion ?’

Classic: “ceo-types” leave date on airport computers

Airport PCs stuffed with meaty goodness | The Register

A rather forgiving article on El Reg today, noting how users of airport internet lounges leave passwords, cached info, emails and goodness knows what else on shared machines in ‘internet lounges’. The message as ever is that ‘security’ isn’t something your IT department do on your behalf, it’s an attitude of mind and a habit of paranoid behaviour!

The only two big questions to ponder are:
1) what’s a “CEO-type”? Are they those people in mobile phone ads? Airport ads, even?
2) Do the beancounters, processing the “essential internet usage on the executive move” expense reclaims, assume that everyone is browsing porn, mailing the mistress or leaving business plans on the desktop? God help my next expenses claim!