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Month: November 2008

Microposting(s) for November 9th through November 11th

These my micropostings and bookmarks – November 9th through November 11th:

  • Manage Relationships From Your Inbox | SocialMinder – Finally starting to see services that combine real world behaviour (eg emailing) with static representations of a network (eg lists of contacts). Ideally, a link/API into desktop applications will follow – eg taking an APML profile, or linking to’s desktop monitoring tool… Still, a start’s a start and it’s interesting for that at the very least.
  • mySociety » Travel-time maps – Interesting multivariate data meeting simplified and useful graphical presentation.
  • carboncreditz™ – Welcome – Earn ‘carbon creditz’ while you shop (think air miles or nectar points) – to be spent on carbon offsets or ‘green’ things (eg Penguin hand-powered LED torch) and eco-stuff.

Microposting(s) for November 4th through November 8th

These my micropostings and bookmarks – November 4th through November 8th:

Watching an historic victory

Watching confirmation of a remarkable victory with sleepless and excited kids. The world seems a nicer place this raining autmn day, and reminds me of chuckling at similar news in 1997 this side of the pond. Interestingly though this mesage of change is against a background of challenges, two wars and financial meltdown, not an incipient bubble of ‘cool brittania’: if we can all sustain the work and spirit for reform and progress the world could be a better place.

What better message to be able to discuss with three kids who attend an inner London school – hope, change, progress. The earth for once not going to hell in a handcart. The words ‘we can’ added to ‘we will’.

Speaking at the SocialCommerceSummit at The Magic Circle

Speaking on “Distraction” at Bazaarvoice‘s SocialCommerceSummit event. Good audience, but here’s hoping that there’s no remote-controlled trap door!

Update later with the slides.

Update: as promised, here are the slides via SlideShare.


View SlideShare presentation or Upload your own. (tags: social commerce)
UPDATE: 2008-11-11
The folk at Bazaarvoice have been more diligent and professional than me in their recording of the event. See below a rather nifty ‘showreel’ of the event:

Also, a nice writeup by Justin Crandall, the UK MD, on their blog entry:

Next up was the always entertaining and often controversial Ian Jindal, Editor-in-Chief of Internet Retailing, discussing the Art of Distraction. Ian painted a vivid picture of where consumer power is heading, a future in which customers own their own web experience and gravitate toward those brands who engage them while also making their lives easier.

Thanks for the kind words and again for a fun event. Still grappling with the ‘basic’ magic tricks though…

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