Geoffrey Chaucer Hath a Blog
Egad, do I love the internet! Or, rather, I love that people with time, creativity, energy and humour put in the effort to create such wonders… The Blog of Geoffrey Chaucer!
GC’s ‘about me’ saith:
I here neyther that ne this, for when my labor doon al ys and have made al my rekenynges I goon hom to my hous anoon and, also domb as any stoon, I sitte at another book tyl fully daswed ys myn look. Certes, I oghte to get outte more. Thou kanst fynde myn feede for liveiournale at the username ‘chaucerhathblog,’ sum swete soule hath sette yt vp for me.
Sum swete soule indeed!
This reminds me of my anglo saxon teacher, Nick Jacobs, who would read Chaucer with fluency and enthusiasm that brought it to life. This is certainly one to watch for a while on ye rss-reader.
It wouldn’t be right to leave the topic of historic blogs by famous dead people (!) without a tip of the hat to the excellent Pepys’ Diary. Bravo.