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Tag: bbc

E-mail error ends up on road sign

Couldn’t have invented this – I just wish I’d been the one to find it 😉


“When officials asked for the Welsh translation of a road sign, they thought the reply was what they needed. Unfortunately, the e-mail response to Swansea council said in Welsh: “I am not in the office at the moment. Please send any work to be translated.” So that was what went up under the English version, barring lorries from a road near a supermarket. “

BBC NEWS | UK | Wales | E-mail error ends up on road sign


Gwych. Rhagorol.

Surely the Welsh Assembly should now take a stand and call for the belated and much-anticipated outlawing of OOO messages?

Media Futures Conference 2008

Nico Macdonald and the BBC have announced The Media Futures Conference, being…

“… a one day exploration of the dynamics and trends shaping the future of media. As well as an opportunity for lively debate, the conference will feature presentations showcasing innovative projects, showing smart thinking in practice and illustrating the scope of what is possible “

No small promise then 😉

The conference is the culmination of a year’s conversation with the BBC by Nico (of, and builds upon the regular series of Innovation Forums (fora?) and the Innovation Reading Circle (as mentioned here previously in my review of Andrew Keen’s book, Cult of the Amateur).

The website – Media Futures Conference 2008 – has information on the agenda and speakers (I’m Chairing a session on provocations).

The tickets have already sold out once so if you’re interested in attending I’d suggest you register promptly (Update: there’s also a “Waiting” list available via the ticketing page).